Refugium plans
A refugium is defined as: [A separate tank which shares water and filtration with the main aquarium. Used for growing Nitrate reducing Algae, raising live food, and isolating inhabitants from the main tank]
As this is an ideal place for natural fauna to grow and supplement the natural food available for reef tank inhabitants, therefore in an ideal world the fuge is situated above the tank so the critters can be passed down via gravity and do not have to face the wrath of the sump return pump impellor.
However, not having the luxury of an above the tank fuge, i have opted to install a fuge on a shelf, above the sump. The critters will then be returned into the bubble trap of the sump (bypassing the skimmer) and only have to face the wrath of one pump. There will be critter loss, but hopefully some will make it through.
Here are the plans;-

As this is an ideal place for natural fauna to grow and supplement the natural food available for reef tank inhabitants, therefore in an ideal world the fuge is situated above the tank so the critters can be passed down via gravity and do not have to face the wrath of the sump return pump impellor.
However, not having the luxury of an above the tank fuge, i have opted to install a fuge on a shelf, above the sump. The critters will then be returned into the bubble trap of the sump (bypassing the skimmer) and only have to face the wrath of one pump. There will be critter loss, but hopefully some will make it through.
Here are the plans;-

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